Sundry texts / Gérard Mordillat
Max Chemla  |  
Gérard Mordillat   |  
Claude Froulin   |  

Gérard Mordillat (writer and film maker)
The Sculpture of Suzel Galia
Suzel Galia sculpts women: women of great privacy, their femininity all the more revealed by their very reserve. When seen, they palpably arouse a sense of Desire.
Stone has become delicate, textured human flesh that one's eyes and hands want to explore.
Langorous corporal flesh, lightly veined with mortality's doubts and torment. Living beings captured at a moment of movement - yet utterly unlike a polaroid snapshot. Rather than breaking down Time into finite fractions, Suzel Galia's sculptures encompass Time, envelope it and "materialize" it into enduring Stone.
Looking at sculpture calls for a particular kind of concentration, not the same as that needed in front of a painting. A keener, more attentive energy is required here.
Sculpture, especially that of Suzel Galia, doesn't fully reveal itself at first viewing. Perhaps more than any other art form, sculpture is inherently modest. The intimacy hidden in marble, in serpentine or in granite can only be discovered by patiently spending time in its presence. That discrete intimacy is at the heart of Suzel Galia's work.
She approaches each new creation with the same question in mind: how to "work" the stone to reveal that which words by themselves cannot express? How to give tangible shape to Desire?
Each finished piece yields its unique response to the challenge. The quest is never-ending for the simple reason that perfection can never be achieved.
What does shine through, beautifully and consistantly, is the deep humanity of Suzel Galia's search.